Friday, November 30, 2007

Essay Test

Write a five-paragraph essay that thoroughly compares and contrasts authors' treatment, scope, and organization in Whitman's "O Captain! My Captain" and Freedman's "from Lincoln: A Photobiography."

Use chart and checklist to help you complete your essay.

Homework: Read your book.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Prewriting for Essay Test

Complete chart to prepare for Friday's Essay Test.

View Underground Railroad Video

Homework: Pick book and read it.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

O Captain! My Captain!

Read "O Captain! My Captain!"
and summarize each stanza in your own words.

Turn to page 781 in Language of Lit. and complete metaphor-meaning chart.

Homework: Pick new book and read it for book report due 1/7/08
All missing work due by Friday!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Book report form due.

Final draft of expository essay due.

Write a five paragraph essay that compares "from Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad" with "from Lincoln: A Photobiography" in terms of treatment, scope, and organization. Use your Treatment, Scope, and Organization comparison chart while completing your essay.

Turn in final draft of the essay (use pen and skip lines)and comparison chart.

Find a book and start reading because the next book report form is due 1/7/08.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Quick write: What are thankful for?

Book report form due.

Final draft of expository essay due.

Write essay based on Treatment, Scope, and Organization comparison chart.


Find a book and start reading because the next book report form is due 1/7/08.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Breaking the law

Quick Write: Is it ever right to break the law? Think about Harriet Tubman and Miep Gies. Think about examples today. Explain.

Complete Treatment, Scope, and Organization comparison chart.

Read your book and complete your book report form before 11/21.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Vocabulary Mastery Test

Study for ten minutes.

Return essays and progress reports and discuss them

Take Vocabulary Mastery Test.

Read "from Lincoln a Photobiography" on pages 769-778 and complete the Treatment, Scope, and Organization.

Homework: Finish book and form due Wednesday
Final draft of essay due Wednesday
Next book due 1/7/08

Friday, November 16, 2007

Finally start reading Harriet Tubman

Review Yes-No-Why and Vocabulary Matching Worksheet

Finally start reading "from Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad" on Pages 756-766 in The Language of Literature.

Complete Treatment, Scope, and Organization comparison chart as you read.

Read your book and complete your book report form before 11/21.
Study flash cards alone or with a partner.
Vocabulary Test 11/19

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Finish Harriet Tubman

Quick write: Write three sentences using context clues to show the meaning of the following words: wallow, ostentatiously, and jubilation.

pandemonium, remorse, and foreboding

Finish reading "from Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad" on Pages 756-766 in The Language of Literature.

Complete Treatment, Scope, and Organization comparison chart as you read.

Start Vocabulary Matching Worksheet and Yes-No-Why

Read your book and complete your book report form before 11/21.
Study flash cards alone or with a partner.
Vocabulary Test 11/19
Finish Yes-No-Why and Vocabulary Matching Worksheet

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Read "from Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad"

Make flash cards for disgruntled, oppression, and inarticulate.

Finish Writers' Workshop.

Read "from Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad" on Pages 756-766 in The Language of Literature.

Complete Treatment, Scope, and Organization comparison chart as you read.

Read your book and complete your book report form before 11/21.
Study flash cards alone or with a partner.
Vocabulary Test 11/19

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Writers' Workshop

Make flash cards for ostentatiously, appalled, and jubilation.

Write a 5-paragraph expository essay about what you have learned during the Anne Frank unit. You may use your textbook as a resource in the classroom.

Have a partner edit your paper and complete the checklist. Consider checker's comments and write final draft on computer or with a pen, skipping lines according to Carnegie Standards for Written Work.

Essay checklist

Finish final draft of expository essay.
Read your book and complete your book report form before 11/21.
Study flash cards alone or with a partner.
Vocabulary Test 11/19

Friday, November 09, 2007

Expository essay

Make flash cards for indignantly, zeal, and wallow.

Write a 5-paragraph expository essay about what you have learned during the Anne Frank unit. You may use your textbook as a resource in the classroom.

Outline of sample topic sentences:

Thesis: I learned about the Holocaust, Anne Frank, and Tolerance in English.

2nd Paragraph: First, I learned about the Holocaust.

3rd Paragraph: Second, I learned about Anne Frank.

4th Paragraph: Finally, I learned about tolerance.


Essay checklist

Homework:Read your book and complete your book report form before 11/21. Study flash cards alone or with a partner.

Thursday, November 08, 2007


Make flash cards for conspicuous, vile, and loathe.

Write a 5-paragraph expository essay about what you have learned during the Anne Frank unit. You may use your textbook as a resource in the classroom.

Essay checklist

Homework:Read your book and complete your book report form before 11/21.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

New word form chart

Long write: Write one paragraph about the trip. Think about the bus ride, Powers Hall, and the park. Write another paragraph about the museum, the exhibits, and the chaperones. Write the last paragraph about what you learned.

Complete word form chart.

Finish Anne Frank.

word form chart

Homework: Read your book. Completed book reports due 11/21.
Study Island.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Monday, November 05, 2007

Finish Anne Frank

Quick write: Anne Frank said, "I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are good at heart." Do you agree with that statement? Explain.

Finish The Diary of Anne Frank on page 447 in The Language of Literature.

Homework and key dates: Pick a book to read and fill out a book form by 11/2 for 10 points. Bring book and form in everyday for a stamp and extra points!

11/6 Museum of Tolerance
11/21 Completed book report due. (Therefore, read nightly!)

Friday, November 02, 2007

Reading Comprehension Test

Take Reading Comprehension Test.

Homework: Pick book and read it
Finish any make-up work

More Anne Frank

Continue The Diary of Anne Frank on page 447 in The Language of Literature.

Homework and key dates: Pick a book to read and fill out a book form by 11/2 for 10 points.
11/6 Museum of Tolerance
11/21 Completed book report due.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Continue The Diary of Anne Frank

Quick write: If you had a chance to meet a Holocaust survivor what questions would you ask him or her? Why?

Continue The Diary of Anne Frank on page 447 in The Language of Literature.

Homework and key dates: Pick a book to read and fill out a book form by 11/2 for 10 points.
11/6 Museum of Tolerance
11/21 Completed book report due.