Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Five Paragraph Essay Checklist

Introductory Paragraph

Attention grabber

Thesis Statement

3 main points

Body Paragraph No.1

Transitional sentence

Topic sentence (first of the 3 main points in the introductory paragraph)

At least two sentences of specific details and explanation that support the topic sentence

Body Paragraph No.2

Transitional sentence

Topic sentence(second of the 3 main points in the introductory paragraph)

At least two sentences of specific details and explanation that support the topic sentence

Body Paragraph No.3

Transitional sentence

Topic sentence(third of the 3 main points in the introductory paragraph)

At least two sentences of specific details and explanation that support the topic sentence


Paragraph that concludes essay in a meaningful way

Mugs (mechanics, usage, grammar, spelling)

Essay appears to have been through the whole writing and editing process; there are few errors in mechanics, punctuation, usage, grammar, and spelling.

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