Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Personal Virtue Diary (Agenda, September 14)

Personal Virtue Diary

Students must write a paragraph on each of the five virtues they have chosen. The paragraph should include a definition of the virtue in their own words, the reason choosing the virtue, and why it is important.

As the students will be able to see from the "temperance" transparency illuminated on the overhead screen, Franklin concentrated on one virtue a week and tracked his progress daily. Students will use their own charts to track their progress on becoming more virtuous. They will use minus signs for mistakes and plus signs for positive demonstrations of virtue. They will continue filling out the chart daily for seven days and keep a journal to describe the events that are symbolized by the plus and minus signs in their charts. This will be the dispatch activity every day next week.

Hand out the Lean on Me questions.

Homework: Finish virtue chart

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