Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Virtue in Franklin's Autobiography

Topical Joke of the DaY:

Teacher: "Now, children, if I saw a man beating a donkey and stopped him, what virtue would I be showing?"

Smart Student: "Brotherly love."

Finish reading excerpt from The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin.

Copy these questions and answer them.

1. Why did Franklin make the list of virtues?
2. Was he successful in his task in attaining moral perfection? Why or why not? Cite the text in your answer.
3. What virtues gave Franklin the most trouble? Refer to the text in your answer.
4. What would be the first five virtues on your list? Why?
5. What are the similarities and differences among your virtues and Franklin's?

"If" by Rudyard Kipling

Homework: Make a list of 5 virtues that are important to you and give reasons for each virtue you list. Use complete sentences.

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