Tuesday, March 06, 2007

"Old Man" by Ricardo Sanchez--Identify and analyze recurring themes (R3.5).

Reread Grand Mothers by Nikki Giovanni on pages 409 - 414 in the Language of Literature. Write down possible themes. Under each possible theme write the quote or event from Grand Mothers that supports the theme. Be sure to write the quotes from the text with page numbers.

Discuss possible themes and their support in the text.

Read "Old Man" by Ricardo Sanchez. Write notes in the margins of the poem about possible themes.


LC 1.3 Use subordination, coordination, appossition, to indicate the relationship between ideas.

Do the "Grammar in Context" exercise, problems 1-5, on page 416.

R 1.3 Show the ability to verify word meanings.

Do the vocabulary exercise , problems 1-10, on page 416.

Recitations (Listening and Speaking Standard 2.5)

Scene 2- in Romeo and Juliet

Homework: Memorize your poem for your recitation this week.

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