Friday, March 30, 2007

Theme Essay Make Ups

Homework:See the board for what you need to make up. Last day to turn in any late work (assignments 12-25) is Friday. No exceptions!

Homework: Make ups

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Ode Make Up day

See the board for what you need to make up. Last day to turn in any late work (assignments 12-25) is Friday. No exceptions!

Homework: Make ups

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Vocabulary Mastery Test

Take vocabulary mastery test.

Homework: Back to School Night!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Sentence Completions

Pass out progress reports.

Review answers to matching quiz.

Completesentence completion exercise.

Ode Make-ups: those who still need to write their odes should do it today. Those who completed their odes may go on study island.

Read article packet and answer study questions.
Immigration Editorial

Chicago Tribune news: Bill limits Web sites at schools, libraries -

YouTube bans don't work - internet founder - New Zealand's source for technology news on Menlo Park School Bans Homework

School-wide bans teach exactly the wrong lessons

Homework: Study for vocabulary mastery test

Monday, March 26, 2007

Immigration Article and Open Book Matching Quiz

Is immigration good for America? Should illegal immigrants be treated like criminals or should they be given amnesty? What is your opinion on these topics? Give three reasons to support each opinion. Write a couple paragraphs.

Read opinion articles about immigration and answer study questions.

Immigration Editorial

Complete matching quiz.

Homework: Study for Persuasion Vocabulary Mastery Quiz on Tuesday, March 27.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Electronic devices ban

Electronic devices such as ipods and cell phones have no place in an educational environment. Therefore all electronic devices shoulc be banned at Carnegie. Do you agree or disagree with this policy? State your opinion and give three reasons to supprot your opinion.

Workshop: finish all work.

Complete word chart for appeal, emotional, and logical.


Electronic devices ban

Electronic devices such as ipods and cell phones have no place in an educational environment. Therefore all electronic devices shoulc be banned at Carnegie. Do you agree or disagree with this policy? State your opinion and give three reasons to supprot your opinion.

Workshop: finish all work.

Complete word chart for appeal, emotional, and logical.


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Spelling Quiz, Controversial Topics for Persuasion Unit

Abortion is legal. Should it stay legal or should it become illegal. Why do you believe your position? Give three reasons why you believe your position is correct. Write a couple paragraphs.

Spelling Quiz

Complete word chart for appeal, emotional, and logical.

Finish Ode and all other assigned work then go to study island.

Homework:study island.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Write an Ode

Complete word chart for support, anecdote, and oligarchy.

Distribute progress reports.

Respond to the following prompt in writing.

You have to leave your home forever. You have 5 minutes to choose five items from your home to take with you. List the five possessions and explain why you chose each one.

Ode checklist

__ Two stanzas of 9 lines
__ Follows the assigned rhyme and meter pattern
__ Has the ode characteristics 1-4.
__ Title
__ Proper heading in upper right hand corner

Assigned Rhyme and Meter Scheme

Line, Syllables, Rhyme
1, 10, a
2, 4, b
3, 10, a
4, 4, b
5, 10, c
6, 4, c
7, 10, d
8, 4, d
9, 8, c

Brainstorm ideas around one of the five items chosen in the writing prompt. Begin writing your ode.

When finished,start study island.

Homework:Study words for spelling quiz

Monday, March 19, 2007


Complete word chart for persuasion, controversial, and proposition.

Copy these notes:

The Characteristics of Odes

* Praise something. (socks, womanhood)
* Usually long. (often much longer than a sonnet)
* Poet often speaks directly to his/her subject.
* Elevate their subjects to a higher level. (leaf of grass to stars, celestial socks)
* Often less formal than sonnets—no strict rhyme and meter schemes.

Guest speaker Mr. Ortiz or Ms. Sanchez will read "Ode to Salt" and "Ode to French Fries" by Pablo Neruda.

Study odes and complete Ode Chart in groups. Most productive groups will start study island.


Friday, March 16, 2007

Start Persuasion Unit Words and Start Odes

Turn in Persuasion Word Form Chart.

Complete word chart for rivulet, furrow, sycophant, loquacious, frigorific, and exquisite.

Update assignment list:

12. Recitation Letter 10 3/2
13. Grandparent Paragraph 13 3/6
14. Say-Mean-Matter 12 3/6
15. Recitation 80 3/6
16.2 Ironic Twist Story 100 3/6
16. Theme Essay Outline 50 3/2
17. Theme Final Draft 40 3/12
18. Word Form Chart 36 3/15
19. Rivulet Word Chart 18 3/16
20. Signed Progress Reports 10 3/19

Copy these notes:

The Characteristics of Odes

* Praise something. (socks, womanhood)
* Usually long. (often much longer than a sonnet)
* Poet often speaks directly to his/her subject.
* Elevate their subjects to a higher level. (leaf of grass to stars, celestial socks)
* Often less formal than sonnets—no strict rhyme and meter schemes.

Study odes and complete Ode Chart.

Homework: Finish Memory Poem

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Periodic Assessment Day Three

Continue taking the LAUSD Periodic Assessment.

When finished with the assessment, finish writing final draft of essay using Carnegie Standards for final drafts and the Essay Rubric.

Memorize your poem.

Complete Persuasion Word Form Chart.

Study odes and complete Ode Chart.

Homework: Finish final draft and memorize poem for recitation.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Periodic Assessment Day Two

Continue taking the LAUSD Periodic Assessment.

When finished with the assessment, finish writing final draft of essay using Carnegie Standards for final drafts and the Essay Rubric.

Memorize your poem.

Study odes and complete Ode Chart.

Homework: Finish final draft and memorize poem for recitation.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Day of grace for recitations

Last day to perform recitation for 80 points; tomorrow 10% off.

Graded on use of gestures, voice modulation, tone variation, and memorization.

Write final draft of essay using Carnegie Standards for final drafts and the Essay Rubric.

Homework: Finish final draft and memorize poem.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Write Final Drafts of Essays

Last day to perform recitation! 80 pts.

Graded on use of gestures, voice modulation, tone variation, and memorization.

Write final draft of essay using Carnegie Standards for final drafts and the Essay Rubric.

Homework: Finish final draft

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Complete Essay Outline

LC 1.3 Use subordination, coordination, appossition, to indicate the relationship between ideas.

Do the "Grammar in Context" exercise, problems 1-5, on page 416.

R 1.3 Show the ability to verify word meanings.

Do the vocabulary exercise , problems 1-10, on page 416.


Complete Essay Outline for theme comparison of Grand Mother and "Old Man."

Recitations (Listening and Speaking Standard 2.5)

Scene 2- in Romeo and Juliet

Homework: Memorize your poem for your recitation this week.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

"Old Man" by Ricardo Sanchez--Identify and analyze recurring themes (R3.5).

Reread Grand Mothers by Nikki Giovanni on pages 409 - 414 in the Language of Literature. Write down possible themes. Under each possible theme write the quote or event from Grand Mothers that supports the theme. Be sure to write the quotes from the text with page numbers.

Discuss possible themes and their support in the text.

Read "Old Man" by Ricardo Sanchez. Write notes in the margins of the poem about possible themes.


LC 1.3 Use subordination, coordination, appossition, to indicate the relationship between ideas.

Do the "Grammar in Context" exercise, problems 1-5, on page 416.

R 1.3 Show the ability to verify word meanings.

Do the vocabulary exercise , problems 1-10, on page 416.

Recitations (Listening and Speaking Standard 2.5)

Scene 2- in Romeo and Juliet

Homework: Memorize your poem for your recitation this week.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Grandmothers by Nikki Giovanni--Identify and analyze recurring themes (R3.5).

Dwell for a moment on your grandparents. Have you met all of them? Are some of them closer to you than others? Have your grandparents taught you anything? Have they been examples in your life. Have they helped raise you? Write a paragraph or two or three about your grandparents.

Complete the anticipation guide about these quotes. For each quote write what it means, examples of how it is true in your life.

"Grandmothers...they are always telling us how much easier we have it"

"Grandmother helped me become civilized."

"They [Grandmothers] teach us even when they leave us behind..."

Read "from Grand Mothers" by Nikki Giovanni on pages 409 - 414 in the Language of Literature.

Write a two paragraph summary of "Grandmothers."

Recitations (Listening and Speaking Standard 2.5)

Scene 23 in Romeo and Juliet

Homework: Memorize your poem for your recitation this week.