Monday, January 28, 2008

Stations Continued

Station 1 Art (Tetzlaff PE1)
Imagine a wish that has backfired on the person who wished for it.
Think about how you can represent the wish gone wrong.
Use crayons, colored pencils, and markers to draw a picture that represents the wish and its consequences

Station 2 Drama (Tetzlaff PE1)
Each group member will choose a part to read in the script
One person will read for Woman 1 and British Ambassador
One person will read for Woman 2 and Argentine Ambassador
One person will read for Man, Lenny, and Ned Flanders
One person will read for Kang and Kodos

Station 3 Vocabulary (Tetzlaff PE1)
Match the definitions below with the words/pictures
Write the letter of the definition in the space provided next to the word

Station 4 Study Island (Hilbert PE3)

Study Island. Try to complete the two current assignments: “Recurring Themes” and “Support Your Thesis.”

Station 5 Speed Writing (Hilbert PE3)

Write a five-paragraph essay on the following topic. If you were granted three wishes, what would your wishes be?

Write an introductory paragraph with a thesis and three main points. What would the three points be? Your three wishes! Of course! How about the topics of your body paragraphs? A wish for each of course! Make sure you consider the possible negative consequences of wish fulfillment in each body paragraph. You have the rest of the period. You wish! You have 15 minutes.

Station 6 The Simpsons (Hilbert PE3)

Complete the “Compare and Contrast Prewriting Chart” for the episode of The Simpsons while viewing the show. Make sure you write about each wish and what happens in the space for plot. You must start the DVD yourself. You may have time to view it twice!

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