Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Progress reports and irregular plural forms

Complete exercise 6 on page 296 on irregular plural forms in Writing and Skills.

Exercise 6

Write the following sentences and change each italicized noun to its plural form. Underline the nouns you make plural.

1. The chief described the life of the tribe before their treaty with the United States.

2. In the story about Bluebeard, his wife had good reason to feel nervous after their wedding day.

3. Throughout the long journey the donkey brayed and the baby cried.

4. The family of osprey perched on the buoy in the bay.

5. The lady from the northern country spoke of the grief caused by the long war.

Pass out progress reports.

Practice recitations. Finish any incomplete work.

So I walked into the teachers' cafeteria and saw this one teacher jumping for joy.

"What happened, Mr. ____________?" I asked.

"Nothing, Mr. Hilbert. I just finished a jigsaw puzzle in record time!" The teacher beamed.

"How long did it take you?"

"Well, the box said '3 to 5 Years,' but I did it in a month!"

Homework: Memorize recitation poem and share it with a mentor or parent.
Book report due March 31.
Recitation due April 4.

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