Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Great Rat Hunt

Poem of the Day: "Look at Me"

Put portfolios in order and staple assignments 1-16 together.

Read "The Great Rat Hunt" on page 106 of Language of Literature.

Take the Quiz.

1. What is Laurence's cultural heritage?

2. What are indications of Yep's his cultural background in the story?

3. Describe one situation or incident that you found funny. Why is it humorous? Explain.

4. Describe the plot.

5. What is the setting?

6. What is the theme? Explain your answer.

7. Do the vocabulary exercise on page 116.

Discuss how humor and cultural heritage impacts writing.

Period 3 will take Make-up Vocabulary Test.

Homework: Find 3 facts about Laurence Yep and write them down in complete sentences.
Pick a book to read. Fill out book form.


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